Posting may be a bit sporadic in the next couple of weeks due to personal commitments but I will try!
Clit On A String
5 hours ago
An image blog of women in stockings with a focus of erotica but with the odd, nay I say, regular dalliance into NSFW territory. Focusing on models, nylons, vintage, Asian, Ebony, nudes, panties, Canada, lingerie, hose, BDSM, D/s, and other and sundry subjects for my readers' enjoyment.
45,645 visits. Very respectable and in large part to Great Aunt Gill who posted my link on Indinudes. The really
great news is that daily visits went from 191 a day to 216 which is a respectable increase of 13%
Not that I am a numbers whore, I ain't. But seeing that what I post and what I writeis of interest to people is.
The problem is that I intended to due a series of uber-posts when the blog hit 50,000 visits to mark that occasion
and now it looks like I am going to do it much sooner than I thought.
So, any ideas would be appreciated.
Hmmm...though I grew up wearing thigh highs and pantyhose and girdles, I didn't become interested in lingerie until I was several years out of college. The stockings I credit with my lingerie renaissance are the Falke Lunelle Peacock Thigh Highs; they're actually the subject of my very first post on Stockings Addict! When I saw those stockings, I abruptly realized that lingerie was more than a means to an end, it could be an end in itself.
After discovering those peacock welt thigh highs, I couldn't get enough. All of a sudden a new world of tights, stockings, and other hosiery opened up to me. I was eager to share my discoveries with anyone who'd listen but I found my friends (and my then-boyfriend) didn't really share my budding passion. So I started Stockings Addict to keep from driving them all crazy. As I mentioned in the post "Why Write a Stockings Blog?," I also write to share my opinions of different products and because I want to connect with other lovers of lingerie.
I feel like my blog has become more complex since I started writing it, which makes perfect sense because I've become more complex too. Certain types of articles, like reviews, sales, and "lust" posts were there from the very beginning. Other features like Photo Friday, Runway to Realway, and my recent How-to series are more recent, and I hope, more timeless.
I definitely feel like I've not only become a better writer, but that I've developed a stronger sense of what Stockings Addict is all about. For example, I want Stockings Addict to be a welcoming, inclusive space on the internet for all stockings lovers, no matter no their gender or particular interest. That means adhering to certain policies, like "no nudity" and deleting any pornographic or malicious comments.
I only recently started tracking statistics, so I'm not sure how any of those visitors for the first year or so found me! However, I try to post consistently (once per day, currently), and I try to make sure my content is always worth reading. I'm true to myself, and I write the blog I want to read. I believe my visitors respond to that.
I draw inspiration from two sources: the fashion world and the fetish world. I'm just as likely to find something useful from Vogue magazine as I am from a sex worker's personal journal. I also get a lot of ideas from my readers. Several of my more recent posts have been based on questions people have e-mailed me.
I do get moments of writer's block, and I find that the best solution is to write anyway. You don't have to publish everything you write; the important thing is not to lose momentum. I also keep a list of ideas as they come to me, so that when I do have a case of writer's block I can simply refer to that. Finally, I maintain several series, so if I'm really stuck for ideas I can just write another addition to them. The biggest thing though, is to write, write, and write some more. It gets easier the more you do it.
Write about what you love. I didn't start Stockings Addict because I wanted to be popular, I started it because I love stockings. Keeping that perspective in mind helps me stay true to myself. And speaking of staying true to yourself, figure out what you bring. Find your voice, and once you find it, don't change it. Finally, be consistent. Figure out when you can post, and stick to that schedule.
My Kiss Me Deadly Emerald Alouette bra set. I love this thing! There's a picture of me in it here, and you buy it (on sale, even!) here.Thank you so much Treacle for your time!
Treacle is the generic name for any syrup made during the refining of sugar cane[1] and is defined as "uncrystallized syrup produced in refining sugar".[2] Treacle is used chiefly in cooking as a form of sweetener or condiment.Alternate Definition
The most common forms of Treacle are the pale syrup that is also known as golden syrup and the darker syrup that is usually referred to as dark treacle or black treacle. Dark treacle has a distinctively strong flavour, slightly bitter, and a richer colour than golden syrup, yet not as dark as molasses. Golden syrup is the main sweetener in the Treacle Tart.
Treacle is a lingerie and fashion blogger who consistently shares her insights about this subject via her blog called Stockings Addict. Sadly her blog is not aptly named as she seems to be a Lingerie Addict who posts high quality articles about lingerie and stockings. Her blog is defined by being well written and interesting to others with similar interests.
The most common form of Treacle are posts with valuable information and wonderful images and links attached to them. Further, Treacle is known to post her infamous Photo Friday entries for those who need an erotic stocking fix.
Treacle in its current form is addictive but safe form of lingerie appreciation.My congratulations to Treacle the authoress of Stockings Addict. She just finished her 500th entry since she started blogging in March 2008. If you are a regular here and have not hopped over to Treacle's blog please do. It is a wonderful compendium of lingerie advice, deals, images, and personal relations of her passion. Treacle writes eloquently about these subjects and has been recognized by not only other bloggers of the same ilk (read lingerie) but others that write generally about women's fashion.